As a celebrant, one of my many ceremonies are Weddings

Before any ceremony planning can start, the couple must supply the celebrant with a document known as the Notice Of Intended Marriage or the ‘NOIM’.  This document can be filled out at our first meeting and it is the start of what hopefully will be the happiness lasting the rest of your lives.

I offer the couple considerable freedom with their ceremony of choice. Just let me know the date, time and place and we can then get together to determine exactly how you want your wedding to be constructed. 

According to the Marriage Act 1961, there are certain words which must be stated by both the couple and the Marriage Celebrant. The rest of the ceremony can be stylised to suit your individual wants and needs.

My basic package includes;

  • - Supply of excellent services

  • - Your input to ensure everything is as you want

  • - As many personal meetings as needed at a selected location

  • - Preparation of all necessary documentation

  • - A Copy of the Ceremony

  • - A commemorative Certificate of Marriage

  • - 60 kilometre travel included from base

  • - Forwarding documents to the office of the Births, Deaths and Marriages

My basic package includes travel within an 60 Kilometre radius of Brisbane. If you are outside that radius, please feel free to discuss it in our face-to-face meeting, as there could be extra cost involved.

Please contact me and we can set a time to meet. 

Identification documentation will have to be supplied at our first meeting (Birth Certificate, Driver's Licence, Passport, etc.). 

*Also, if you would like to see a copy of the Celebrant Code of Practise, please see to the bottom of this webpage and click on the link 'Code of Practise'.